Monday, February 8, 2010

Focus on the Family Pro-Life Tim Tebow Super Bowl Commercials

Focus on the Family Pro-Life Tim Tebow Super Bowl Commercials

It's a good thing I didn't care so much who won or lost last night. Or I would have been disappointed. I chose to root for the Colts. I heard they were the team expected to win. But all well. I feel bad for them but no skin off my back.

I didn't get to see the Tim Tebow commercial last night. I didn't know til later which quarter it was supposed to air in and even despite my best efforts to watch all the commercials I missed it. I saw it finally this morning on the link I provided above.

I was a little surprised. Nothing like those left-wing liberals were so afraid of. Although I like that it riled them all up. Got the nation talking about the wrongs of abortion. Even though they featured each side of the controversy the media was severely favoring the pro-choice view. BLAH on them for not being more objective as the media is supposed to be. Right! Whatever! As if they've ever really been objective. Although I do find it a point of true maturity when they can be so.

The Focus on the Family commercial was only 32 seconds long and they paid that much money for it. Too much. It was short and sweet and didn't really give in to the hype. If I had seen it for myself during the Superbowl and not had heard a thing about who he was or anything I wouldn't have thought it any more than a cute mother-son commercial not fitting into the Superbowl commercial hype.

I was offended by the GoDaddy commercials. Bunch of deceived women trying to appeal to the men watching. Not cool. If anyone wants a good website domain name try Global Domains International it's a whole lot cheaper and you don't have to worry about being affiliated with that kind of thing.

I also didn't like the Career Builder commercials with the guys in their underwear and then Dockers tried to monetize on that. They were gross. I'm sorry, men walking around in their underwear all can gather what I'm trying to say here, not cool. No manly power there.

But the game was good at times and the fellowship was great. Food was delicious and I'm very proud of the Tebow's initiative to spread the pro-life cause.

My favorite thing I've heard recently, my husband told me some radio show guy said, the Pro-choice movement will die! along with their abortions. They're killing the only people that they could raise to support their cause.


Unknown said...

I think I heard somewhere that the Tebow commercial was actually supposed to be a little bit different from the one they actually ended up airing. I had heard that it was supposed to be something along the lines of "When I was pregnant with Tim, I was this close to having an abortion..." or something along those lines. I could be wrong, but I think they had changed it to appease the opposition. Oh well, what's done is done.

And c'mon, those Go Daddy commercials were awesome...haha, just kidding. Glad you enjoyed the game. I was definitely rooting for Peyton.

- Chris

Nostalgia said...

Peyton, Great! My husband and I have a friend who is "in love" with Eli. Funny stuff. Thank you for commenting. Well I wish they didn't appease them. We need some outright support for the pro-life movement. I'm not a radical or anything, but I sure was impressed at the effort and money it took, then, if what you heard is true, they copped out. All well, maybe this will get the someone else motivated in the right direction. Thank you so much.

Keith said...

We perform abortions AND life-saving surgeries before children are born... What a strange irony - some parents will do what every it takes to save their children, while others do whatever it takes to get rid of them.

Next year will we hear "the other side of the story?"

"I was young, pregnant, single and scared, so I ended my pregnancy. Since then, I have gone on to get an education and a really good, high-paying job. I am so thankful I never let that kid get in my way."

Wait a minute... Do people ever say things like that publicly?

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