Thursday, April 15, 2010

Am I doing enough?

When we're homeschooling our children we often have questions. "Are we doing enough?" is the biggest question most homeschooling parents have! Now I don't know what you're doing in your house, behind closed doors, but I'm sure if you're out seeking, you're doing your best.

There are general principles in schooling. Mostly, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Science, and History. Your child's grade/age level is another facet in knowing what to teach them at what time. All curriculum out on the market, through Amazon or the source website themselves, have all those resources built in. You can use the whole of one, or mismatch according to what you like best and your child's learning style.

If you are reporting to your local PS (public school) they should provide you with a homeschool packet. They should provide you with all of their PS requirements and within the means of the law you have to comply or they can unfortunately tell you not to homeschool your child. HSLDA can provide you with inexpensive representation for any issues that might come your way in homeschooling. You can claim religious exemption (whether you're religious or not) and then you are free to teach your child however you want.

When reporting to the schools we have submit samples and affidavits and portfolios and all that stuff to prove they're learning what they're supposed to. In either way you choose to "report" your child's schooling you can take advantage of the PS's resources. You can take your child there to have testing, take certain classes, participate in music, sports and the like. Although if doing religious exemption they frown on that largely, it is a contradiction to utilize their resources and yet "ignore" their input otherwise. However, by law you have the right to use it because you're still paying the taxes even though your child doesn't go to their school. The logical reason why they don't like it is because they do not receive the money for your child and therefore have to absorb the expense themselves for your child's participation in their resources. Reporting to PS and showing the intent of having your child participate in certain resources provides them with state funding.

So are you doing enough? Is your child learning at their grade/age level? Are they struggling to keep up? Are they exceeding your expectations? Any of these could be a part of the dialogue that runs through your head. No one can tell you you're not doing enough without knowing you, your child or your situation. If you're doing your best and striving for them to be as on track, as any other child their age or situation, then you're doing enough.

When it comes to homeschooling our children, having their education and best interests at heart are the key.

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All about Applemama

I'm a homeschool mother of 4 wonderful children. My girls are 11, 4 and 2. My only son is 8 and full of energy. We live in rural PA, and have 8 chickens, 5 rabbits, 3 cats, 3 ducks, and one mouse.

We were married here 11 years ago and moved off to FL - then to VA - and now back here after my husband's job was uprooted and not transplanted. He found a job to work in his field (at least somewhat) and we are taking a wonderful opportunity to move back to where we met. We have old friends here and enjoy reconnecting with the church where we were married. We love it and are making many new friends.

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