Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Homeschooling and sports

When I was researching what the PS (public school) system has to offer homeschoolers I came across the "Tim Tebow laws". There are 25 states that have passed the legislation allowing homeschoolers to participate in PS sports.

I know a lot of people have the ideal that homeschooling is an escape from the school system and the authorities and students there in, but not for everyone. Not for those who cannot afford all those sporting and testing fees. The laws in each state don't always allow or suggest that exemption anyway.

You can look at the list of states that passed legislation. Some of the states still have minor stipulations to being able to have your child participate in their PSs sports programs. Like every other child in school, the homeschool child still has to take the appropriate measures to get on a team, getting a physical, trying out and attending all practices and events. They aren't selected for the team or make the team just like every other child based on the coach's criteria or discretion (they don't get special treatment).

My husband is a HS coach and he has a homeschool student on his team. He is thankful to have such a skilled player on the team. My daughter has played on the elementary schools volleyball and track and field teams. We have to take her back and forth on the practice days, but she gets to ride the bus to the games and gets the team shirt. The teachers/coaches are thrilled to see her each year when she comes back to play. Here in PA the legislation passed as it has in half of the states. Check to see if you state is on the list, if not see if you can pioneer the cause. For updated information come Home with Applemama.

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All about Applemama

I'm a homeschool mother of 4 wonderful children. My girls are 11, 4 and 2. My only son is 8 and full of energy. We live in rural PA, and have 8 chickens, 5 rabbits, 3 cats, 3 ducks, and one mouse.

We were married here 11 years ago and moved off to FL - then to VA - and now back here after my husband's job was uprooted and not transplanted. He found a job to work in his field (at least somewhat) and we are taking a wonderful opportunity to move back to where we met. We have old friends here and enjoy reconnecting with the church where we were married. We love it and are making many new friends.

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